
Inspire Learning & Development with Technology

Empower young minds eager for growth and holistic development through innovative, collaborative, personalised experiences.

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Welcome to the Digital Age of Education

The educational modernization solution that Twilight offers fosters virtual collaboration between teachers and learners with self-paced learning, remote mentorship, and live coaching via mobile and online platforms. We create dynamic platforms that significantly impact the landscape of the digital educational sphere by creating.

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 Intelligent Content 

Adopt a modern approach to learning and assessment that uses data, customisations and mobile access to provide information about educational progress. We tailor solutions according to your requirements.

Universal Access

There are no barriers to connection on the internet,with software that accommodate the globalisation of education, making it accessible for everyone. Budgeting and Insight

Cyber Material

Build your own software that meets the demands for detailed record-keeping and other student information.

Standards & Compliances

We ensure that your customised software is in line with digital education compatibility standards and compliances.


Hosting educational content on your LMS through seamless integrations has improved ease of access and technology for monitoring tools.

Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)

We create cutting-edge technology that follows SCORM compliance and improves connectivity with other models to reveal data relating to the course and learners.

Third Party Inclusions

 What’s more frustrating than working with different systems and databases that are not connected. All our software and apps we develop will integrate with existing EMR software, databases and a lot more.

Education Case Studies​

As an education software development agency, we have discovered and analyzed the nitty-gritty of each project to achieve measurable results for the world's leading tech giants. 

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