Project Details
Admin page offers a cutting-edge solution to the challenges of record keeping, including intelligible interfaces, sophisticated data-linking tools, and automatic E-mail report notification. The graphical custom reports interface allows users to develop new reports from existing data without having to learn a command-line database language.
Reduces Records input load by utilizing existing data from Checklist and Feedback. Admin Page Central automatically completes large portions of a crime report using data from both NodeJS and Python. QuickBooks classifications are determined automatically from the incident type. If the reporting officer has submitted their report online using HTML Design tools, records personnel need only verify the accuracy of crime classifications and report completeness. Virtually no extra data entry will be required. Records forms are designed to allow the sequence of information to flow logically, greatly reducing the learning time for new employees.
Checks the accuracy of data and avoids conflicting entries. Wherever possible, Field Mapping Location classifications for consistency with other information generated for each case report. Users are notified when data entry is inconsistent or incomplete.
Offers complete audit trail before printing. When generating reports, users can easily backtrack through the list of cases appearing under each category, all the way to the full, underlying case data to verify that report filing is accurate and complete.
Solution Approach
Why waste time inputting the same information multiple times? Boom Fire integrated fire software products let you enter data once – we take care of the rest. Intuitive workflows, bullet proof reliability, and effortless data entry. It is made up of three different portals: Admin, Account Owner, and Customer. The admin page has the list of users in entry check PDF format. Checklists and feedback are sent using Python pdf. The data are collected using NodeJS.
1. Angular – Front end (Material Design)
2. Python- Back end (Flask)
3. NodeJS- Back end
PDF formatting using NodeJS (where pdf made through tokenization to fill the exact location)
Python here works for PDF formatting
QuickBooks here acts as CRM between Customers and Account Owner
Field Mapping Locations
Challenges Encountered for the project
The data which need to enter in exact position and the added images.
Software needs to identify the demanded name (folder name), therefore need to set the unique name.
Unique Properties
With so many elements to track and maintain, the various ISO grading points (combined with your regular compliance requirements) can be a bit daunting. When an ISO inspector asks you to pull inspection records for a specific piece of equipment for the last three months, how easy or difficult is that for you to do? How are you ensuring all your key equipment is being maintained and tested, your people are continuing their training, your shifts are filled, and your CRR program is addressing your top incident risks?
The good news is that powerful software designed specifically for the fire industry can make all of these tasks automated, secure, and easy to report. Boom Fire Software offers a variety of features ranging from incident reporting and personnel management to automated equipment checklists and fire preplan databases.